Tsurezure Children Wiki

"Rain" is Chapter 6 of the Tsurezure Children manga series. It is centered around Chizuru Takano and Takurou Sugawara. It is told from Chizuru's point of view, and is set after school on a rainy day.



The chapter begins with Chizuru staring deadpan over the horizon, hesitant over whether she should walk home through the rain. Nearby, Takurou notices her and gives her his umbrella, claiming he can run home, only to immediately faceplant in a puddle of rain in the next panel. As such, the two of them wind up sharing an umbrella and walking home together.

Initially, Chizuru feels bad for Takurou and asks him if it's embarrassing to walk home together with a girl. However, he insists that he's not embarrassed because he's walking together with her, specifically. This leads Chizuru to incorrectly deduce that he's not bothered because he thinks rumors won't spread, when in actuality, he's ecstatic over getting to walk home together with his crush.

As they continue their walk, Chizuru notices Takurou's shoulder getting soaked from the rain so she nonchalantly pulls him closer towards her, causing their shoulders to make contact in the process. This causes Takurou's face to redden even more, while Chizuru's face remains deadpan. Takurou then asks her why she's not embarrassed walking so close together with a guy, and she tells him that it's because no one's watching them. Takurou counters with the possibility that her crush might see them together but she denies having a crush on anyone, much to Takurou's visible joy.

She later explains to Takurou that she knows very little about romance and sees herself as a gloomy and unattractive person, so she doubts anyone would even have a crush on her in the first place, and even if someone did, she explains that she would probably turn him down, because in her mind, only "weirdos" would like her. In response, Takurou passionately tries to deny all of her assumptions, telling her "th-that's not true!" and goes on to list all the helpful things she does around the classroom. But unfortunately, before he can finish his thoughts and confess to Chizuru, her bus arrives and she goes on to board it.

As Chizuru boards the bus, she reflects on her conversation with Takurou and reasons that love "might be too much" for her, but before she can wave goodbye to him she notices that he actually boarded the bus with her. In the next instant, Takurou, determined to finish his thought from earlier, confesses directly to Takano right then and there. However, Chizuru completely misinterprets his confession, and just tells him "thanks" for trying to cheer her up, and promises to do her best going forward. In the final panel, Chizuru thinks to herself how nice of a person Takurou is and wonders if she should bake him cookies for lending her his umbrella. Meanwhile, a crestfallen Takurou is visible in the background.

Rain page 2

Chizuru pulling Takurou next to her.

Sugawara first confession

"I...umm...I like...you...Takano."


  • This chapter marks the first appearance for both characters.
  • Chizuru actually does wind up baking cookies for Takurou and gives them to him in Chapter 7.5.
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Tsurezure Children
Volumes Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
Chapters 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134134134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212
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