Tsurezure Children Wiki

"Spica" is Chapter 193 of Tsurezure Children. It is centred around Kaoru Nanase and Yuuki Kaga.



Tomorrow, Satsuki is taking a university admission exam. Although, Satsuki isn't confident that she can do it. Yuuki asks Kaoru if they want to look for shooting stars, and wish for Satsuki to pass. Kaoru teases Yuuki, asking if he just wants to get closer to Satsuki. Although, Yuuki says if she doesn't want to come, she doesn't have to, and Kaoru defeatedly agrees.

As Yuuki sets up the telescope, Kaoru asks if she can get closer. Yuuki offers his hand warmers, although Kaoru coldly declines. Confused, Yuuki says that she just said she was cold. Kaoru agrees, but says that they would both be warmer if they were closer, although Yuuki shoots her down by saying that he's busy, and should just run around. Yuuki then tells Karou to look through the telescope. Kaoru asks what star it is that Yuuki is showing her, and he replies Spica. Yuuki adds that Satsuki didn't know where it was.

Yuuki tells Karou that after falling in love, he had learnt a lot. Like how lonely it is to be seen as a kohai, and how lonely it is to be seen as a childhood friend. Yuuki then explains how he'd always kind of known that Karou had liked him, and took advantage of their friendship to run away from her feelings. Although Kaoru bitterly says that she doesn't care anymore. Yuuki then suggests that she wouldn't like to go out with him right after he just got rejected, and how he does like her as a girl. Yuuki then looks up at Kaoru, to see her mad and crying at the same time, and Yuuki asks why she's mad. Suddenly, Kaoru grabs Yuuki and tells him that he's a moron, and that she hates him a lot, while crying. Yuuki then tells Kaoru that he likes her.

The next day, Satsuki receives a message by Yuuki and Kaoru telling her that they wished for her to pass.

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Tsurezure Children
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