Tsurezure Children Wiki

"Night" is Chapter 144 of Tsurezure Children. It is centred around the students in Class 2-4.



At a night on the school trip, Chiaki, Keisuke and Takurou talk to Takeru 'man-to-man' about how far Takeru's relationship with Ayaka is. Meanwhile, Kazuko, Kana and Ayane are talking to Patricia about how she still hasn't kissed Keisuke, and Ayane comments about how she thought that they'd already done more ecchi stuff with him. Patricia, innocently asks what ecchi means. Kimihito, Akimasa and Haruhiko are freaking out as there was a bug in their room. Noriko is telling a scary story to Ayaka and Chizuru, as she suddenly screams, causing Ayaka to scream. Next is Chizuru's turn, although Chizuru tells them she isn't good at scary stories.

Chiaki asks Takeru if he's done plenty of ecchi stuff with Ayaka, to which Takeru replies no. Although Chiaki and Keisuke don't believe him. Ayane, surprised, reluctantly asks Patricia if ecchi was an English thing, but Patricia replies she doesn't know, and asks if it is similar to pinky swearing. The three responded with a no, saying it isn't cutesy at all. Patricia misinterprets it so it means 'badass' and says she's going to do it with Keisuke next time.

Akimasa, Kimihito and Haruhiko play rock, paper, scissors to see who will kill the bug. Kimihito and Haruhiko chose scissors, while Akimasa chose paper. Frightened, he screams. Chizuru attempts to tells a scary story, which ends with her failing to scare Ayaka and Noriko.

Chiaki finalises that the only non-virgin is Keisuke, although Keisuke disagrees, saying he's 'cherry'. Desperate to correct her, Kana volunteers to define what ecchi actually means to Patricia. With her interest peeked, Patricia is excited to what it means. Too afraid, Kana lies, saying it means the first letter of the word 'hug'.

As Akimasa attempts to kill the bug, he misses, resulting with the bug flying away and even more screaming. Embarrassed, Chizuru apologises for her lack of scariness, with Ayaka reassuring her that she did her best. Chizuru smiles, as she says that at least she made them laugh a little, although Noriko corrected her, saying that they weren't laughing. When Keisuke asks Chiaki if he's done it, Chiaki answers no. Takurou speaks up, saying even if they have, they wouldn't say it. Keisuke and Chiaki snicker, surprised that 'he knows his stuff'.

As Patricia is surprised as to that was all that it meant, she apologises because she thought it meant something lewd, and became a little suspicious of them. Kana, Kazuko and Ayane dissmiss her though, telling her not to use it too much around people. Patricia agrees, saying she'll only tell Keisuke, and sends him a message.

Ending their conversation, Chiaki tells them that they have to tell each other when they lose their virginity first. After getting a message from Patricia, Keisuke tells them to stop with a huge smile on his face.

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Tsurezure Children
Volumes Volume 1Volume 2Volume 3Volume 4Volume 5Volume 6Volume 7Volume 8Volume 9Volume 10Volume 11Volume 12
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